How Christians Can Strengthen Their Christ-Following Capabilities Through Neuroscience-informed Christian Compassion Cultivation Training

How Christians Can Strengthen Their Christ-Following Capabilities Through Neuroscience-informed Christian Compassion Cultivation Training Richard K. Stephens April 14, 2022 (1870 Words) *** There is, in the secular world, a Compassion Renaissance afoot that began, roughly speaking, about two decades ago. Compassion cultivation methods are being employed in a variety of secular and spiritual contexts: to prevent Empathy Fatigue among medical, psychological care workers and chaplains; in business management, and in early education, to bolster individual resilience and competence both in self-care and social engagement. [1] In this essay I assert that Christianity has a some catching up to do, explain, in a broad sense, what I think the practical problem is, and offer a well-grounded solution. Specifically, according to observations I have made in churches of many denominations and over a period of years, there is an unfortunate generalized church culture which tends to in...