“Christian Compassion,” by the Editors of Christianity Today, Jan. 29, 1965

“Christian Compassion,” by the Editors of Christianity Today , Jan. 29, 1965 *** This warning was not heeded in 1965, hence the rejection of Christianity by today’s young. EXCERPT: When all of evangelicalism learns to match its zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel and its shining record of good works abroad with active compassion for the alleviation of injustice and human deprivation at home, it will move forward in a resurgence of power. Those who proclaim sound doctrine cannot escape the test of reality. Evangelicalism is not exempt from Jesus’ criterion, “By their fruits you shall know them.” Not all fundamentals are doctrinal. If the fundamental of compassion has sometimes been lacking in evangelical life and practice, let it be restored, even though to restore it may be costly. *** To be insensitive to the needs of others is for Christians a denial of who they are and of what their Lord requires of them. If the main theme of Scripture is redemption, united...