
My BIG Christianity Question

Why do so many believers prefer making (long-winded, not-in-one's-prayer-closet, out-loud) individualistic "intercessional prayers" in the presence of one who suffers rather than the alternative: making an effort to understand the suffering and then eliciting the community (not just one individual prayer-maker) to take effective practical action to relieve that suffering?    

Disciple-Making Workshop References (The Great Commandment & Compassion Cultivation)

Disciple-Making Workshop References (The Great Commandment & Compassion Cultivation) *** JESUS’S WORDS 57 Commandments of Jesus Christ BRIEF READINGS Alan Hirsch (excerpt), ”The Hebraic Mindset & the Proper Understanding of the Gospels” Dallas Willard, “Discipleship: For Super-Christians Only?” Christianity Today, Oct. 10, 1980; Reprinted in : Dallas Willard, The Great Omission: Reclaiming Jesus's Essential Teachings on Discipleship , 2006, Harper, pp. 3-17. James R. Doty, M.D., (Professor of Neurosurgery, Stanford University School of Medicine; Director, Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education), “The Science of Compassion: As human beings, we will inevitably encou