The Hebraic Mindset & the Proper Understanding of the Gospels

The Hebraic Mindset & the Proper Understanding of the Gospels *** Below are excerpts from: Alan Hirsch, The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating Apostolic Movements , Brazos Press; 2nd edition, Sep. 20, 2016 These excerpts discuss the crucial matter of the difference in believing something (propositional belief) versus believing in somebody as one’s Lord (trusting and obeying) by showing that attempting to understand the Scriptures using the common Western viewpoint distorts a message that ought to be understood using a Hebraic mindset. *** From Pages 130-131 Essentially, on the one hand, a Hellenistic view of knowledge is concerned with concepts, ideas, the nature of being, types and forms the Hebraic view, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with issues of concrete existence, obedience, life-oriented wisdom, and the interrelationship of all things under God. It is quite clear that, as Jews, Jesus and the early church operated primarily out of a Hebraic under...